Securing the fiscal future through digital innovation





release date

February 15, 2024


In an increasingly complex and dynamic tax environment, Securitax set out with the ambition to offer secure and intuitive tax consulting solutions to its clients. Our agency was called upon to realize this ambition by overhauling their digital platform to enhance user experience and the efficiency of the services offered.


The main challenge was to simplify access to tax information and services, which are often perceived as complex, while ensuring top-tier security for the sensitive data of clients. Additionally, it was crucial that the platform be designed to adapt to the constant evolution of tax laws and user needs.


Our approach was structured around several strategic axes:

1. In-depth Analysis of User and Client Needs

We began with a total immersion phase in the Securitax ecosystem, including stakeholder interviews and workshops with end users. This allowed us to precisely identify expectations and the specific challenges of the tax universe.

2. Thoughtful User Experience (UX) Design

Armed with this information, we crafted a UX/UI design strategy aimed at demystifying tax complexity. The user journey was reimagined to offer smooth and intuitive navigation, guiding users through services in a logical and accessible manner.

3. Agile Development of the Platform

In close collaboration with Securitax, our team adopted an agile approach to the platform's development, enabling rapid iterations based on continuous user feedback. We made it a point of honor to build a robust, secure, and scalable architecture, ready to adapt to legislative and technological changes.


The launch of the new Securitax digital platform marked a turning point in how the company engages its clients and presents its services. Among the notable successes :

  • Significant Improvement in User Engagement: The enhanced user experience led to a noticeable increase in client engagement on the platform.
  • Enhanced Security: The implementation of advanced technological solutions has strengthened data security, a fundamental aspect for client trust.
  • Adaptability and Scalability: The platform was designed to be easily updated in response to tax evolutions, ensuring its relevance in the long term.


Our collaboration with Securitax perfectly illustrates how design and technology can transform tax consulting services into exceptional user experiences. By placing user needs at the heart of our approach, we helped Securitax cement its position as an innovative leader in the tax sector.